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What Kind of Friends Are We?

Antiphon from The Liturgy of the Hours "Our friend Lazarus has fallen asleep; let us go and wake him.”

Our fellow seekers of Christ have fallen asleep in a lie. In what, for many, will end up being false forms of Christianity. Forms that tell them they don’t need the Holy Catholic Church, which is Christ’s Body. That tells them they don’t need to receive Christ in the Eucharist despite His words, ”if you do not eat My flesh and drink My blood, you do not have life in you”, to the contrary. That tells them that they do not need to confess their deadly mortal sins to a priest before death. And we do nothing to wake them under the falsely compassionate idea of Ecumenism. What kinds of friends are we to leave our friends in death?

Many in the Church misunderstand her greatness. We, the holy Catholic Church, are the only true Body of Christ. By not sharing this truth with our sleepy friends, we leave them stuck in eternal slumber, where they may one day hear those terrible words, “Depart from Me, I do not know you.”

From the book A Church In Crisis: “...We do not speak and act because we enjoy confrontation but because we must speak out and act in order to be faithful to God and His Word, to our relationship with our brothers and sisters in Christ, and to Gods beloved creatures who are not yet brothers and sisters in Christ. We must not, by our silence or cowardice, confirm someone who lee in sin or serious error, or we may, in effect, be denying Christ...”

Human-written, AI spell-checked 3/21/21AD

Image from Robert Cheaib at Pixaby


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